October 13, 2008
British Cemetery on Ocracoke Island
Four seamen from a British vessel are buried here on Ocracoke Island, NC. They lost their lives when their ship was destroyed by a German torpedo in 1942.
The British flag flies here, and the cemetery is maintained by members of the island's U.S. Coast Guard station.
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Thanks for honoring our British allies. It was, however, NOT a submarine, it was "His Majecty's TRAWLER" HMT Bedfordshire. British armed trawlers (read fiching boats) were desperately working with armed American ships to do whatever they could to protect east coast shipping during the desperate days of spring 1942, people living in all of the major cities on the east coast could see and witness shipping being attacked and blown up, burning at night.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I will correct the wording.