September 5, 2008

Looking Back from Great North Mountain

view from mountain
photographerWhen Frank's brother and sister were here, we took them up to the top of Great North Mountain, driving up Crooked Run Road. As the word "crooked" hints, the road twists and turns on its way up the mountain. At the top you can park near the West Virginia border and walk up (passing the radio towers) to the clearing where the gas pipeline crosses the mountain. There you can see for miles.

Since you can see the radio towers from our driveway, you can look back toward our house. I couldn't see it though; it's among the trees. Maybe if I had a telescope and plenty of patience I could spot our garage.

Note: Location: @38.859700, -78.805040. On the WV side, the road is "Upper Cove Road" Route 20. See location (with towns of Basye, Jerome and Basore) on Google Maps. (And check out the Satellite view and Terrain view.)

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