The map is not to scale; it is a sketch based on a "real" map. I drew it in Photoshop, which fortunately lets me type in text so that you don't have to read my shaky handwriting.
I also added text to that page and to the intro page for "Into the Shenandoah 1864."
In early June 1864, Grant was on Richmond's doorstep, but his failed assault at Cold Harbor convinced him that he needed another strategy in order to capture Richmond. He planned to pressure Lee from many directions, including interrupting the supply of food from the Shenandoah Valley. He also wanted to force Lee to divert troops away from the Richmond area.
In May, Union troops under Franz Sigel had tried to secure the Shenandoah Valley but had been defeated at New Market. Sigel was replaced by General David Hunter, who defeated "Grumble" Jones at Piedmont on June 5-6. On June 7, Grant (still at Cold Harbor), sent his cavalry under Sheridan to destroy the Virginia Central Railroad at Trevilian Station.
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