October 19, 2006

Hinkletown, Iowa

I came across the Hinkletown website because of a connection to my family tree. In 1846, Mordecai Suiter took his family to Iowa and settled in Hinkletown. Mordecai was a brother of my direct ancestor who lived in eastern Ohio. Two of Mordecai's sons wrote memoirs which were published in the Oskaloosa Globe in 1905, and part one and two of these narratives have been posted on the Hinkletown website.
From the introduction:
In the spring of 1846, the family of Mordecai Y. Suiter, a 43 year old miller, left Ohio to move to Iowa. They made part of their trip by canoe to the Ohio River, and took a series of steamboats to the Mississippi River, where they landed at Le Claire, Iowa, and spent the winter. In the spring of 1847, they traveled by covered wagon to their claim on the Iowa - Keokuk county line.
The first year was marked by a house raising, bad weather and the struggles of preparing the prairie sod for its first planting.
The father died in the spring of 1852, in an unfortunate accident while trying to build a dam across the English River. One son, Jeremiah, became the blacksmith at Hinkletown through the 1880s.

If this doesn't interest you, check out the Hinkletown photo essay: the llama-riding goat

1 comment:

  1. I received an email from Kristin who writes:
    "...you mentioned being from the family of Israel Luke Suiter. I am from the family of his brother, Philip Jacob Suiter, who settled in LeClaire and had a large family there. His granddaughter Elizabeth Agnes Suiter was my great-great-grandmother. She married Daniel Freeman, the first homesteader, and lived in Nebraska. My grandmother grew up on her grandparents' homestead land, and moved with her mother and siblings to Oregon when she was a teenager. I'm from Oregon.


    Bye for now, and yes, we are cousins, but I don't know how distant! Probably 4th or 5th cousins."

    - Kristin :)


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