August 31, 2006

More on Jacob Suiter

When I checked a map for the town of Chesapeake, Ohio, I discovered that it is on the Ohio River across from Huntington, WV. I was amazed because I was in Huntington in May and had no idea that I was practically gazing at the site of an ancestral home.

Here's a picture of the Ohio River taken from the West Virginia side at Point Pleasant.

I found a historical article at rootsweb lawrence county which mentions my ancestors Jacob and Margaret Suiter. I don't know how accurate it was; obviously, some spellings are wrong. Is Jeremiah another name for my ggg-grandfather Israel Suiter?

Next below, about 1798 settled Jacob SUITER (*). His wife's maiden name was Margaret MASTERS. Their children were Hiram, William, Phillip, Jeremiah and Mordecai. Hiram was killed by the falling of a scaffold in middle age. Phillip has been married four times, is now living some fifteen miles from me, and is a respectable man. One of his sons went into the army in our late war, a sergeant, came out a captain, and is now the Recorder of Scott Co., Iowa. William is dead and Mordecai lives in Kansas and is a preacher.

SUITER for some time lived with his brother-in-law Joseph CRANK (*), a quiet and peaceable man. He was celebrated for making the finest canoes that run this part of the river. CRANK was a religious man. He conducted the first funeral I was ever at...

Comment: Peggy writes: This is the other side of the family, however, from the underground railroad story. That story comes from Mom's Grandma Lila -- Elida Belle Harper (don't know her maiden name offhand). The story goes that her father (our GGGrandfather) was the pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Philadelphia. When Elida was a little girl, she woke up extra early one morning, went downstairs and was astonished to find a strange man, a black man, eating breakfast at the kitchen table. Her father sternly admonished her never to tell anyone about it.

No idea if it's true, but I prefer to believe it is.... "


  1. Hello my name is William Ripley, iam the Grandson of Arminta Minerva Goodall her Great Great Grandfather was Charles Park Goodall his daughters Nancy Jane and Caroline Callie Goodall both married Suiters , Nancy married Wm Martin Suiter and Caroline married Jacob B Suiter

    1. Interesting. Thanks for the family connection story.


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