March 1, 2006

Judge Hammer in 1884

In January I posted some Hammer Family History. Here's a photo of Judge David Harry Hammer in the 19th century.
portrait of man

David Harry Hammer, Sr.

Under his picture is a legend that says "Mosher, Chicago, 1884. MEMORIAL PORTRAIT. Read its future history. (OVER.)"
On the other side is a long explanation (and ad) from Mosher's Memorial Art Gallery, 125 State Street, Chicago. It says "Mosher's Memorial Offering to Chicago is Photographs of Prominent Men and Women for the Second Centennial 1976."
There are pictures of "Mosher's Memorial Safe" for the second centennial, and a long explanation saying that Mr. Mosher is making a collection of photographs of prominent people to be deeded to the City and opened in 1976.

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