July 8, 2005

The farm where Stonewall Jackson died

Wednesday we visited the Stonewall Jackson Shrine in Guinea Station. There we toured the small building where the famous general died of pneumonia after being wounded at Chancellorsville. The site was being painted and spiffed up by the National Park Service, but the tour guide was a volunteer.guinea station

You can find Guinea Station from I-95 south of Fredericksburg. Just follow the signs. You can also combine it with a Chancellorsville battlefield tour; pick up information at the Chancellorsville visitors center west of Fredericksburg on route 3.

I got an email from someone needing directions from I-81 to Brandy Station. Just drive east on I-66 to route 17 towards Warrenton. Then take US 29 south to Brandy Station.

You can see photos of these sites at CivilWarFieldTrips.com.

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